IBEW Local Union 21
IBEW Local Union 21

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City of Chicago OEMC-911 Center
Jun 28, 2022

Welcome to the IBEW Local Union 21 page for members working at the City of Chicago OEMC 911 Center.

City of Chicago 911 OEMC Center
1-1-2018 - 6-30-2022


Your Weingarten Rights are found on the back of your union card.
You can print a Weingarten Rights Card Here.



June 27, 2022 - IBEW 21 City of Chicago OEMC Unit II Negotiations – Update #1
March 27, 2022 - Chicago OEMC-911 Bargaining Survey


December 15, 2021 - Arbitrator Rules on City of Chicago Vaccine Mandate
October 9, 2021  - City of Chicago Employee Vaccine Notice
March 12, 2021 - OEMC Contract Posted



November 17, 2020 - Congratulations City of Chicago OEMC Members
November 16, 2020 - Rest in Peace Brother Lopez
April 9, 2020 - Rest in Peace Brother Russell Modjeski
March 30, 2020 - City of Chicago OEMC Vacations Canceled
March 30, 2020 - IBEW 21 City of Chicago OEMC Member Update

2020 Bargaining

August 17, 2020 -  Clarification Regarding Earning Comp Time Under City's Final Offer

The City's August 6 Final Offer was drafted to suggest that, as of January 1, 2022 when its proposed new comp time rules take effect, employees can earn 8 hours of comp time only when they work on a holiday.  But the City has now confirmed in writing that employees can earn 8 hours of comp time on holidays whether they work the holiday or not.  Employees not working the holiday will receive 8 hours of comp time.  Employees working the holiday may choose to take 8 hours of their holiday pay as comp time instead of wages.  This means that all IBEW Local 21-represented employees can accrue 96 hours of comp time (for the 12 holidays) per year under the City's newly-clarified proposal. 

August 15,2020 - Pay Schedules with Examples

August 13,2020 - IBEW Local 21 City of Chicago OEMC Contract Overview Meetings
Due to Covid-19 Contract Meetings will be held using Zoom.

Please understand that there will be no one who will be able to give you technical advice on how to use Zoom.  If you are unfamiliar with how to use Zoom please learn how to use it prior to joining the meeting. 

You can connect to the meeting using the call in number and meeting id included with the information for each meeting.

These meetings are only for IBEW Local Union 21 members!

Friday 8/14 Starting at 10 am

Join Zoom Meeting:https://zoom.us/j/93800274567  Meeting ID: 938 0027 4567

One tap mobile:+13126266799,,93800274567# US (Chicago)
Dial by your location: +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) Meeting ID: 938 0027 4567

Saturday 8/15 Starting at 12 Noon

Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/92378036125 Meeting ID: 923 7803 6125

One tap mobile: +13126266799,,92378036125# US (Chicago)
Dial by your location: 1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) Meeting ID: 923 7803 6125

Monday, 8/17 Starting at 4pm

Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/96536300980 Meeting ID: 965 3630 0980

One tap mobile: +13126266799,,96536300980# US (Chicago)
Dial by your location:  +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) Meeting ID: 965 3630 0980

Contract Vote 8-19 & 8-19-2020

IBEW 21 members in good standing can vote to reject
or accept the City of Chicago’s Last Offer on
August 18, 2020 and August 19, 2020 at their work locations.

August 11, 2020 - Summary of terms of City of Chicago’s FINAL CONTRACT OFFER to Unit II

The Unit II bargaining committee is comprised of IBEW Local 21 and SEIU Local 73 members.  By majority vote, the combined bargaining committee recommends acceptance of the City’s Final Contract Offer to the Unions.  The City has improved its offer substantially from earlier offers.  Further, due to economic uncertainty caused by the Covid pandemic and the City’s substantial budget deficit, prolonging these negotiations further might result in the City withdrawing its economic offer, as it did previously during the last recession.

The economic terms in the final offer match the terms for which the City has settled every other City of Chicago bargaining unit thus far, and the economic terms are retroactive to January 1, 2018.  The bargaining committee remains dissatisfied with the City’s proposal to limit opportunities to earn compensatory time.  The City has also negotiated comp time restrictions with every other bargaining unit, though the City has made additional proposals to Unit II, more than for any other bargaining unit, to limit the impact of this change on our membership.

A full contract document, showing all terms of the City’s final offer, accompanies this summary of the most significant terms.

Term of Agreement

Retroactive to January 1, 2018, and expiring on June 30, 2022.


Rates of Pay

The following wage changes will be instituted for all employees on the dates specified:

Effective 1/1/18 - 2.0%

Effective 1/1/19 - 2.25%

Effective 1/1/20 - 2.0%

Effective 1/1/21 - 2.25%

Effective 1/1/22 - 2.0%

Total:  10.5% over 5 years (11.5% compounded)

Most employees will also receive at least one step increase during contract term.

Pay Schedules with Examples (Click here to view)

Salary is Retroactive to January 1, 2018 for active and retired employees.

Health Care

Premium Increases – Single, Couples, Family:

Effective 7/1/18 - .50%

Effective 1/1/19 - .50%

Effective 1/1/20 - .50%

Total = 1.50% (excludes overtime)

Deferred Compensation

City will match employee retirement contributions in the following amounts:

January 1, 2020 – up to $250 per year

January 1, 2021 – up to $250 per year

January 1, 2022 – up to $500 per year

Sec. 5.2, Notice of Complaint

City agrees to notify employees when complaints are made against the employee on the job and from members of the public.  Notice provided within 14 or 21 calendar days, respectively.

Exception for Inspector General, COPA, Internal Affairs investigations or court proceedings.

Sec. 6.4, Destruction of File Material

Removes City’s obligation to destroy file materials after 5 years, but retains provision that discipline goes stale and cannot be used for further disciplinary purposes after 18 months.

Sec. 9.8 Pay Disputes

If an employee is underpaid and requests a supplemental payment for more than $100.00, if the City is tardy in making payment, it will pay an additional $5.00 for every pay period following until it makes payment.

Sec. 10.1B – Compensatory Time

Effective January 1, 2022 (6 months before contract expires) overtime will mostly be paid in cash.  Employees can take overtime earnings as comp time if the overtime is earned for hours less than 40 per week (for employees working 35-hour weeks), and 8 hours comp time can be taken for working on holidays.

Effective immediately upon ratification, comp time banks are increased from 80 hours to 160 hours.  This will allow employees to grow their comp time banks up to 160 hours before the restrictions are imposed on January 1, 2022.

OEMC Priority Days will be increased and granted/denied on timely basis.  Employees may take four (4) priority days per year, an increase from three (3) days currently.  OEMC will increase the number of PCO Is and PCO IIs that can take priority days from two (2) to (3) [from four (4) to six (6) among both groups], except during the months of June, July, August and December. 

Priority day requests made from 90 days to 7 days prior will be granted or denied at least 7 days prior to the requested date.  Priority day requests made less than 7 days prior will be granted or denied at least 48 hours before the requested date.

Sec. 11.1/11.7 – Crossing Guard Post Selection

The City will gradually transition to selection of posts by Branch instead of District, though all Crossing Guards may keep their current post indefinitely and not participate in post bidding.

Post assignment are unchanged in 2020.

Post assignments in June, 2021:  Current Crossing guards may keep their posts or bid new posts by District.  New hires will bid posts by Branch.

Post assignments in June, 2022:  Current Crossing guards may keep their posts or bid new posts by Branch.  New hires will bid posts by Branch.

Sec. 13.1(c) – Loss of Vacation due to discharge for serious misconduct

Employees who are discharged for serious misconduct will no longer forfeit their earned vacation pay provided they resign before receipt of the final discharge notice from the Department.

Sec. 15.1 – Bereavement Leave

Bereavement leave is increased from 3 to 5 consecutive workdays if the deceased resided or passed in a state not contiguous to Illinois and the employee must travel for it.

Sec. 15.4 – Sick Leave

Crossing Guards and Traffic Control Aides-Hourly will now receive up to 40 hours per year in sick leave.  The sick leave is granted retroactively, so sick leave banks will be accumulate back sick leave days from January 1, 2018.

Sec. 15.5 – Injury on Duty

Crossing guards will continue to receive full pay and benefits for up to one year if they are injured on duty (IOD pay).  If a crossing guard also receives workers compensation benefits in addition to IOD pay, one-third of the IOD pay must be refunded to the City.

Sec. 15.9 – Parental Leave [New]

Employees eligible for FMLA leave will receive the following paid leave during FMLA:

•     Up to four (4) weeks paid maternity leave to a birth mother to recover from a

non-surgical delivery; or

•     Up to six (6) weeks paid maternity leave to a birth mother to recover from a C-section

delivery; or

•     Up to two (2) weeks paid parental leave for the birth of a child or children to an

employee spouse or domestic partner of the birth mother; or

•     Up to two (2) weeks paid parental leave for the adoption of a child or children

by an employee or spouse or domestic partner of the employer.

New Side Letter – Full Time Traffic Control Aides

City affirms its plans to hire approximately 40 full-time TCAs in its next fiscal year, and give preference to part-time TCAs to fill the new jobs.

Side Letter #4 - Crossing Guard summer employment

Crossing Guards will be permitted to work as Traffic Control Aides-Hourly during the summer.

Side Letter #15 – Traffic Control Aides-Hourly

Traffic Control Aides-Hourly receive the following new benefits:

  • Up to 40 hours per week of sick days, which are retroactive to January 1, 2018.  Past sick days are banked.
  • 8 hours annual bereavement leave for TCAHs who work 1,200 or more hours per year
  • Additional shirt and pair of pants upon ratification
  • Internal appeal and review of termination decisions for serious misconduct

Side Letters #16, 24 – New Trainer Titles for PCOs, ACOs

New Trainer Title to be created at Grade Level 15.  PCO Is, PCO IIs, ACOs eligible to apply.  Those accepting employment in new title retain all seniority previously accrued with City.  Particular shift to be disclosed when each position is posted.

Side Letter #20 – Traumatic Occurrences

The City will undertake an internal review of policies connect with on-the-job trauma and will meet with the Union twice yearly to discuss its review and steps taken to improve its protocols on job trauma.

More Information:
Monday, 8/17 Starting at 4pm - OEMC Contract Meeting
Saturday 8/15 Starting at Noon - OEMC Contract Meeting
Friday 8/14 Starting at 10 am - OEMC Contract Meeting
OEMC Meeting and Voting Information Posted 8-13-2020
City of Chicago Honorees and Graduates
11-9-17 - Chicago OEMC-911 Bargaining Survey
10/3/12 - IBEW Local 21 OEMC Member’s Contract Approved by Chicago City Council
Meet IBEW 21 President Business Manager Paul Wright on 9-26-12
8/22/12 - City of Chicago OEMC – 911 Center Members Accept Contract
8/9/12 - City of Chicago OEMC-911 Center Contract Ratification Vote
7/21/12 - IBEW Local 21 Reaches Tentative Agreement with City of Chicago OEMC-911
Public Safety Workers Negotiations Turn Tense Prior to Chicago NATO Summit
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local Union 21
4701 Auvergne
Lisle, IL 60532

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